Thursday, February 23, 2012


Trust.  To place your confidence in someone or something.  To rely on and believe in.

Trust.  Easily shattered, broken, revoked.

To trust is to surrender, to open yourself to vulnerability, to erase the doubt.

Trust is the sister of faith.  The two walk hand in hand.  Trusting is easy, until suddenly it isn't.

Betrayal, the ugly enemy that murders trust.  Dishonesty, disloyalty, deception.  Deep, dark words.  Actions that wound us, sometimes leaving us scarred and unable to heal.

From the moment we take our first breaths we must trust.  We trust our mothers to satisfy our hunger, to soothe our cries, to nourish our souls.  We trust our fathers to protect us and lead us.  We trust our siblings to show us friendship, our teachers to educate, our doctors to heal. 

We grow, engaging in friendships, and dancing through relationships.  We hand over hearts to other humans. We trust.

Trust is so easily broken.  Our secrets our shared, gossip gives way, infidelity, substance abuse, lies are told, promises are broken.  When trust has fractured our hearts and shattered our belief, it can be difficult to gather the fragments that are left and begin piecing them back together. 

To heal, to live, to love.....we must first learn to trust, again.
 "Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He shall direct your paths." Proverbs 3:5-6

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